Friday, October 9, 2009

Why "Failing Forward"?

I have to laugh as I begin this because I made a big thing out of starting to blog and then never came back to actually blog. So, I've already failed.....But here I am, so I'm "failing forward." To fail would have been to never come back. Everyday I fail at something--at being a perfect mom or wife, at keeping my patience, at eating healthfully....all day. Thankfully, my goal in life is not to be perfect, but to be on a forward-moving path. A path which God has paved for me with His grace. I thank God for His grace!! Because of His grace, I get to try again and, therefore, fail forward. It is by grace alone that I can utterly fail one day to be the woman He created me to be, come to Him with my failure and start again as if I had never failed. And, by His grace, I will do it better this time--this day, this hour, this minute.
Grace? Such a small word with such a big meaning. God's Riches At Christ's Expense. Unmerited favor. Getting what I don't deserve. Being offered heaven when I deserve hell. Turning to God in true repentance (a true change of mind, heart and action) and receiving His forgiveness to try again.
That is what I want you to see as you read my blog.....however often I might decide to write. I want you to see God's amazing grace in allowing me to continue to fail forward. Maybe I'll add in some funny stories about my boys and you'll get to laugh with me. Maybe I'll be gut-wrenching honest in my failure and you can either be relieved you aren't me or relate to me. But whatever I write, I want it to be clear Who the author of my life is, what He has done for me and what He can do for you. Maybe you'll see yourself and realize His grace is sufficient for you, too. That is my hope. That is my prayer.


  1. I love that fail forward. My blog is current as of June... but I keep trying. My scrapbook however is only at 11/99! Thanks for sharing your insight!

  2. I love the name. and I'm working on refinishing the table that you passed on the Duke & Cheryl and that they passed on to us. glad I found your blog. have a great day
