Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How painful will the best be?

Have you ever prayed for something and wondered if you would really get it? C.S. Lewis says it this way, "We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be."

This is how I felt many days as we prayed for Jonathan to grow. Was something wrong with him? Seriously wrong? How could there be something wrong with this incredibly healthy, joyful, energetic child? ....But was there?

I prayed that God would make him grow. I prayed against Cystic Fibrosis and Celiac's and the lack of growth hormone. I prayed every night since he was born that "he would grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man." Those were God's own words from the book of Luke and His Word never returns void.....right?

And yet for months he didn't grow. In fact, when it all began, he lost a whole pound and didn't gain it back for 10 months, let alone actually gain any ground. On my best days, I had the faith of David fighting Goliath. But on my worst days I wondered how painful the best would be for my little guy.

He has always been small. He was only 6 lbs when he was born. His doctor in Colorado Springs was required to send him to a nutritionist when he was about 18 months old because he was below the 10th percentile and therefore labeled "failure to thrive". Even as she did this, she assured me he wasn't failing to thrive. But when we moved to Alabama, he lost that pound and didn't gain it back and it raised all kinds of red flags with the doctors. So many, in fact, that we just went to a Pediatric GI today. And here is the amazing part......

He GREW!! He gained an entire pound in one month. So, he has now gained 2 lbs past what he lost. My 4-year-old now weighs 29.8 lbs. Did you catch that? He is almost 30 lbs! A weight I sincerely thought was at least a year off based on his rate of growth.

I prayed.....and so many others prayed with me (thank you to those of you reading this that prayed!).....and God answered.

There is another piece to the puzzle that God used to bring about this growth. I had been trying to tell his doctor that he was constipated, but she would never believe me. In November, we saw a different Dr. for his 4-year check-up and she listened. She put him on Miralax which not only has softened his stools but has therefore increased his appetite because he has more room in there now. He used to complain of stomach aches, but I haven't heard him say that since he started the Miralax.

God heard the cry of my heart for someone to listen to my concern and He provided an alternate doctor at a crucial moment.

And today we saw this awesome Christian GI doctor who is just not as concerned as the other doctors have been this year.

Who knows what is in store for my Jonathan......Well, God does. And He hears this mommy's heart. He heard my cries for my son and He has answered. Would He be any less amazing if the report was different? No. But I am rejoicing that at this moment in our lives, He has chosen to make the best just wonderful and not at all painful.

Thank You, Lord!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Conversation

This is a conversation the boys and I had over a couple of days.....

J: Josh and Mike (his imaginary friends--several of whom are named Mike) died.
Me: Really?! How did they die?
J: The body guards killed them.
Me: The body guards killed them?
J: Yeah, they put them on the cross like Jesus!
Me: That is very sad!
J: Yeah.

The next day.....
J: Zach and Mike are here! (Zach is a name we hadn't heard in his host of friends.)
Me: I thought Mike died?
J: He did. I have lots of brothers!
Michael: Don't you have any sisters?
J: Nah. I don't like sisters.
M: What if mommy had another baby and it was a girl?
Me from another room: Mommy isn't going to have any more babies!
M: I know, but just if you did......

What a hoot!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Another birthday....

And then he turned 7...... I cannot begin to express how incredibly proud I am of Michael. He is turning into quite the big boy. Today he wore a white shirt and tie for his Christmas program and declared himself "Dashing!" Yes, that was the exact word he used and it was also a fitting description. :)

Michael is my thinker. He asks questions non-stop....mostly "Why?" Before I had children I claimed I would never grow tired of the questions because that is how they learn. I was wrong! I do grow tired of the questions because they are never-ending with him. And yet, they are changing.....He is really attempting to figure out this big, crazy world we live in. And the best part is that he is often trying to figure out the things of God. His latest theological question was, "Mommy, do you think if Adam and Eve hadn't sinned that we wouldn't have any sin in the world?" Or "Why didn't the king change his law when Daniel prayed to his own God instead of throwing Daniel into the lion's den and then changing the law?" Good question, buddy!!

I love the privilege of teaching him. My favorite part of our homeschool day is to listen to him read the
assigned passage of Scripture. What a blessing to be the one he is reading to! Do I love every day or even every moment of our school day? Heavens no!! We do battle when he refuses to cooperate and some days I would rather check things off my to-do list than explain action verbs to him. But when his face lights up because he aced his spelling test or he gets excited because he got to learn about hundreds and thousands or he is fascinated by a piece of history, then I am reminded why I do what I do.

He wants to be an inventor when he grows up. I'm convinced the movie "Meet the Robinsons" had something to do with this. :) He has all sorts of inventions in his head--a transporter, a machine to take you into the movie you are watching, a marker gun, etc. We just keep encouraging him because he could be our retirement fund. :) Ha! Ha!

He is gaining quite a sense of humor and his smile and laugh come quickly. I love joking around with him and watching him start to "get" it.

Michael was my buddy when he was first born and he remains my buddy today. My prayer is that he will remain my buddy all his life.