Thursday, August 20, 2009

Doing what I said I would never do!

Well, here we go. They always say "Never say never" and you are reading a prime example! I said I would never blog and here I am. Blame it on my friends or blame it on the fact that I don't use up my "word quota" for the day. I'm sure this will be an excuse to spend more time on the computer than a homeschooling mom should spend, but I'm hoping it will give me a place to finally "write" down all those things I never want to forget. So, join me or not, I'll never know. :) Welcome to my "what I said I'd never do!" I suppose if this is as bad as it gets, it's not too bad.


  1. Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome welcome to the world of blogging!! Can't wait to see what you have on your mind!!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere, Tonya :)
