Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why you will find us in a movie theater on Sunday morning

It is unexpected. Who would have thought we would be at a movie theater every Sunday morning? I even fought it, thinking this could simply not be the place for us. Now, if you know us very well at all, you know that we are typically in church on Sunday mornings. So, why a movie theater? Because that's where we go to church!

Months before we move, we begin praying and searching for the right church for us at our next assignment. I do on-line research, ask friends and Facebook-land, and sometimes even listen to podcasts before we ever leave our previous assignment. Finding the church God wants us in is one of the most important decisions we make when we move. This time, we even chose a house near where we thought we would go to church. It is not a decision we take lightly because we know that finding the church God wants us in will not only help us grow, but will also be a big part of making us feel like we are "home" in our new location.

Before this move, I had several close friends tell us about an amazing church in the area. So many people who know us and know what we look for in a church pointed us to this one that I really didn't do much research. I looked on their website and listened to a sermon and agreed with everyone--this would most likely be our church when we got here.

But something strange happened and it started a few months before we moved. I read a book called "Life Interrupted" by Jen Hatmaker and God started stirring something in me. We lead a relatively sheltered life, surrounded by people like us and going through life much the same as almost every other middle-class white family in America. Sure, there are differences, but for the most part, we fit a stereotype. And God began challenging that with this book. The specifics are for a different blog post entirely, but that challenge is a key element in how I perceived church when we moved.

We attended the first church once. And you know what? It was great! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that church at all. The music sounded good. The preaching was great! They had amazing programs for each one of us. Everyone there looked like us. But it didn't fit. It was shocking, really. I expected to love it!

Because I assumed that would be our church and hadn't done any other research, we had to go back to the drawing board. For years Chris has listened to podcasts by Pastor Mark Batterson at National Community Church on Capital Hill and Chris found a campus of NCC near us. He tried it while the boys and I were out of town and he said, "You're going to love the worship!" And he was right! But I had a hard time picturing loving a church that met in a movie theater and watching the pastor on a screen.

When we visited NCC as a family, I knew Chris had found the church God was leading us to.....The worship was authentic and Spirit-filled. Jonathan liked being with us for worship and then also enjoyed his class. Michael found the preaching relatable. It didn't feel weird to watch the pastor on a screen, especially when the campus pastor made it feel like your own church and not just an unimportant arm of a larger church. But you know what sealed the deal for me? NOT EVERYONE LOOKED LIKE US!!!

As we talked after church that first Sunday, I told my family, "I think we could grow at [the other church], but I think we will be challenged at this one." And we are! 

God began doing something in me when I read "Life Interrupted" and it appears He isn't done. I don't know exactly what it is, but it's pretty clear to me that it will be something out of my stereotype since we go to church at a movie theater and I love it!

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