I suppose it has a lot to do with the fact that Chris is back at Vandenberg AFB in California and attending our close friends' church and having lunch with them. (A fact I am jealous of!) :) I am having a MAJOR nostalgia day.
I have pumpkin chocolate chip muffins in the oven--a tasty treat I was introduced to by a neighbor at Vandenberg.
I am listening to my "Worship" playlist on my iPod that has songs I haven't heard since.....well, probably since Vandenberg. It brings back so many memories of a church we attended that had such a unique bond between its people. A bond we have never again experienced. (5-card fellowship, anyone?!)
I had an acquaintance on FB mention something that took me back to our first pregnancy--at Vandenberg, which I miscarried, and all the emotions that went with that event. The bittersweet memory of a child I never knew. My Josiah who will be waiting to welcome me to heaven.
And that led to a memory of a dear woman who understood and who recommended a book that ministered to me in a way I so desperately needed at the time. I have since passed this book on to countless women when they experience a miscarriage. That woman passed away from breast cancer shortly after we moved away. But she is not forgotten.
Oh! the memories of all the special friends and events we experienced there--living with friends until we got our house on base (I am an expert at giving shots now); Thanksgiving when a friend's husband told me there had been a recall on the turkey I was serving to about 20 people (I'm still dreaming of a way to get back at him for that particular "joke"); watching our friends plant a church in a nearby town but knowing we were where God had planted us and loving them for understanding that; becoming parents for the first time and all that entails. And so much more!
We were stationed at Vandenberg almost 10 years ago for just 3 years.
I have special memories from each place we have lived. What an incredible blessing it has been to live an AF life. Yes, the moves are hard. Yes, I hate the good-byes. But I would never choose to not go because who knows what memories the next place will hold?!
Thank you, Lord, for the reminder of all these special people You have allowed me to know and who have blessed my life in so many amazing ways! I can't wait to see who else You will place in my life!!
Amazing how God uses such places as Vandenberg AFB and such friends to help us through tough times. I will never forget all that we went through together there and how it bonded us together that much more. San Diego, Pedicures, crying, bible studies and of course BABIES! I love you dear friend!