I am so excited about how God answered this simple, mundane prayer that I have to share....
I was headed to pick out new glasses today--a daunting task with no one to help but my boys (and we all know how helpful boys are!). I had been praying all week that God would give me just who I needed to help me pick them out. When I was there earlier this week, there was a woman I watched helping someone else who said things like, "Those are too big for your face." That's the kind of person I needed today! I normally take a friend or my sister or my mom with me to choose. I wear them for 5 years at a time, so I have to be sure!! I didn't have anyone like that with me today. So, I asked God to give me that someone in the form of a worker. (Honestly, I expected it to one of two women I had seen earlier.)
Instead, Gus was my answer. He was SO helpful--pointed out pros and cons of each pair, understood immediately what I wanted and found glasses I'm excited about after trying on just a few pairs. He didn't try to up-sell me or confuse me with a bunch of choices. He showed me what I should and shouldn't get so as not to be out of style when I wear them for the next 5 years. :)
Gus is not who I thought would be my answer to prayer. He helped me the other day with a quote and I did not get the impression he would understand my need. He's been in the business 34 years (read: much older than I am), and, well, he's a boy! But I am convinced he was exactly the answer to the prayers I had prayed. Simple and mundane, though they were!!
But isn't it just like God to give me an answer to my prayer in the form of someone totally unexpected?! I love that about Him! He's full of surprises!!